Remote computing at the Unity cluster.¶
Use the documentation to supplement this guide
- Learn basic unix shell navigation and commands.
- Set up computing environment for Python on the Unity cluster.
- Use file transfer to upload/download files from the remote environment, including Python (.py) scripts and image files (.jpeg, .png, .tif).
- Practice basic tasks at the Unix command line.
- Set up the environment for a parallel computing exercise
+We will compute the NDVI Normalized Distributed Vegetation Index using LANDSAT satellite imagery from the bands. Check out the details at the above link.
Step 1: Log in to Unity.¶
Your user account and password was created when you requested an account at
These should be something like:
Name: first last name
Login: firstinitiallastname_uri
Password: whatever_you_specified
To access the HPC, we will use the Unity On Demand service via web browser.
In your browser type in:
Choose your institution and follow the steps to log in.
If this connection is successful, then you can proceed to setting up your Python environment in the next step.
NOTE: The Oscar Unity environment uses PyModules to let the user customize their work environment and even install software via conda or pip. Type ]$ module available
to see what's available.
Step 2: Set up the working environment.¶
- [Do this only once] Once you have loaded the Anaconda module, you need to install the Python libraries that we will use. This command creates an Anaconda programming environment called
. You will need to activate this environment every time you log in.$ module load conda/latest $ conda create -n [your_env_here] python=3.9 dask mpi4py scikit-image matlplotlib $ conda activate [your_env_here] # Activate your environment before installing landsatexplore using pip. $ pip install landsatxplore
- [Do this every time you log in] Unity uses modules; modules can be loaded with the load command. You will load them every time you log in.
At the end of the session when you log out, you can enter$ module load conda/latest $ source activate [your_env_here]
source deactivate
to end the Anaconda environment.
The next time you log in, you won't have to carry out the installation steps. you will just execute the following command sequence.
$ module load conda/latest
$ source activate [your_env_here]
Step 3: Follow this Unix tutorial on navigating around the Oscar directories, creating files, etc.¶
Also check out Unix shell commands to better understand how to use the command line tools. You will likely need to use the Unix commands sudo, cd, rm, mkdir, ssh, sftp, and nano.
Step 4: Transfer your .py files by OODs web-based file manager.¶
- Choose Files-->Home Directory from the top menu in Unity Open On Demand.
If you haven't already, make a directory in your Unity home folder entitled ocg404
. This directory should be inside your /home/your_username
You can do this at the Shell:
]$ mkdir ocg404
Or you can create the folder from within the OOD file manager that you opened above with Files-->Home Directory.
Now transfer your files to the ocg404 directory on Unity OOD.
- Upload
Step 5: Use a text editor to modify and upload via the Unity OOD file manager.¶
- uses the landsatxplore API to find and download Landsat images, based on the time and geographic criteria you give it.
- To use the API, you will need to create a USGS EarthExplorer account.
- Fllow the prompts in and add the missing code to
- You will download and graph at least one landsat image.
- Note, that because we don't have a graphics connection to Unity, you will need to save the file as a .png or .jpeg for downloading by ftp.
- Run on the Unity HPC at the command line using the command below:
]$ python
What to turn in (in-class assignment part 2):¶
Download the image you created and submit that as this week's in_class assignment, along with your modified version of